Aerial Drone Inspection
Maintaining your property and understanding the source of leaks and damage is very important to you. Many other companies rely on dangerous ladders to find damaged roofs, clogged gutters and rotting trim. These limit your ability to get a full inspection of your property because a ladder has limited access to see the big picture.
Do you have a building that is over 40 feet high or a steep pitch roof that is hard or impossible to scale? The Landmark Group now offers Drone Aerial Inspections. Let our skilled estimators do a roof evaluation using the latest in drone technology. With this technology driven service, we can assess a wide variety of problems without the need of a ladder or roof top access to your building.
Thermal Imaging
It happens often, you look up and find a water spot on your ceiling or water pooling in your house. The issue is you have a leak, the problem is that finding the source is not always easy.
Flir Technology allows our inspectors to see what the naked eye cannot, a full visual spectrum. Using this technology allows us to find the source of moisture beyond just doing a water test or waiting for it to rain. By finding the source of the water, we can not only repair the damage but eliminate the source of the water leak, saving you time and money.
Are you experiencing leaks?